The Party Pieces Project is one of the most spectacular events in the entire CAGE100 festival. The idea is an extravagant version of one of John Cage's compositions. More than 100 composers representing Germany and the United States have taken part in this unique group composition. The resulting piece is much more than the some of its parts; for confirmation, visit the premiere in New York on October 17, 2013.
The complete score, containing 128 handwritten note sheets, will be exhibited from 22th of August until 15th of September in the Galerie für Zeitgenössische Kunst Leipzig [GfZK].
Ensemble Either/Or
Richard Carrick [Conductor]
In Europera 5, the last stage work of John Cage, figures, arias and props from the history of opera lose their context, get recombined and confronted with practices from pop-culture and media technologies of the 20st century. With childishly-playfull means Thomas Christoph Heyde adresses the fascination of a pretentious opera world where comicality meets the tragic nature, where history and the modern world face each other on an equal level.
Thomas Christoph Heyde
Michael Hofmeister [countertenor]
Marco Vassalli [lyric baritone]
Jan Gerdes [Pianist]
Marusha [DJ]
Robert Phillips [Company Leipziger Ballett]
Arne Linke [Graffiti artist]
Children of the Leipziger Tanztheater LTT
A make-up artist
Ralf Hauenschild [stage]
Christina Schuch [mask]
Annika Hofmann [mask]
Brit Böttge [dance education]
With „45' For A Speaker" and „Indeterminacy" John Cage created two texts which face the performer with huge challenges. Exactly defined rates of speaking, instructions on articulation, small theatrical actions and the high philosophical value of the pieces make them unique. According to John Cage's preference for combinations of his works Christian Brückner interprets these texts simultaneously with different compositions for piano and strings by the composer.
Christian Brückner [speaker]
Jan Gerdes [piano]
Niklas Seidl [cello]
Ulf Marcus Behrens [trumpet]
In the Carillon project, CAGE100 sets its sights on a special instrument: church bells, also known as Carillon. The instruments are truly magnificent and monumental – the largest bell can weigh up to 18.5 tons. They will be played to celebrate John Cage on the occasion of his 100th birthday.
Carillons are usually found in the tops of towers, old town halls, and churches. Cage’s pieces were especially composed for these instruments and, since they are usually so prominently located, the music will ring all throughout the cities in which the pieces are played.
50 Carillonneurs worldwide
The Water Music Project takes place in Leipzig and in all of its sister cities between 07th of March and 15th of March 2013. The performance can be seen live or online in a live-stream within the Space for No Thing []. The title of John Cage's Water Music changes, uniquely, depending on where it is played. It is one of his first performance compositions; the pianist performs with whistles, sirens, playing cards, radios, and of course, water.
Participating Sister Cities of Leipzig are:
Bologna [Italy], Birmingham [England], Brno [Czech Republic], Lyon [France], Thessaloniki [Greece], Travnik [Bosnia and Herzegovina], Kiew [Ukraine] and Addis Abeba [Ethiopia]